At the INWAC meeting on the 2nd July 2008, in connection with our request that councillors enforce the byelaw banning barbeques, Councillor Jamie Matthews said “If some people had their way, they’d stop everyone having fun”.  Well these pictures show what the Moor looked like after just one afternoon and evening of people having fun.  Councillor Matthews’ and his colleagues’ refusal to enforce the byelaws means that the surface of the Moor is being permanently degraded. Broken glass is being ground into the earth making the grass unsafe for everyone, but especially so for children.  These councillors have much in common with the people who are causing the damage. They’re not from here, they don’t live here, and they don’t care about here.  They should be made to pay for the damage they’re causing to the Moor out of their own pockets.  And the bills for the “consultation” and fire brigade call outs should be sent to them too.

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